Special Events

This monthly workshop offers a Kundalini Yoga practice with kriyas (sets of physical exercises organized for a particular effect), meditations, sound healings, readings and sharing of experience, strength and hope. This series is open to anyone who has ever felt the stresses of life and looked for an external way to cope.
Kundalini Yoga helps people go deeper into their center to excavate root causes, assisting them on their journey of self-discovery and healing, releasing childhood anger, past karma, negative patterning and addictive behaviors while establishing new, healthier choices. The exercises and meditations are the keys that can allow us to open to the core of our being, thereby gaining self-acceptance and self-love.
This month will focus on step 5, honest and open sharing, which is associated with the 5th chakra, vishuddha, for clear, effective and compassionate communication.
Sign up at Buddha Jams

Restore and Refresh with Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra, the yoga of sleep, provides participants with the experience of deep relaxation and a feeling of well being. Practicing Yoga Nidra at a Salt Cave provides extra restful benefits in a beautiful setting. Join Us. Register at 631-923-3030.

What is Kundalini Yoga?
KUNDALINI YOGA, combines music, movement, and breathing exercises with chanting and meditation bringing practitioners eased stress and reduced anxiety while improving cognitive functioning and boosting self-awareness.
KUNDALINI YOGA and its unique Kriyas, or sets of poses, are specifically designed to benefit a particular part of the body and help increase awareness through meditation.

Salt Therapy (also know as Halotherapy) has been shown to benefit adults and children. You may find relief from respiratory conditions and skin conditions. Salt Therapy has been shown to remove toxicity from the respiratory system. The inhalation of dry salt aerosol provided via a halogenerator provides relief in mucous build-up throughout the respiratory tract. In that sense salt simply softens mucous, and increases the efficiency of mucous ciliary cleaning of the respiratory system. This is how Halotherapy (also known as dry salt therapy) has shown to be effective.
Yoga Nidra Benefits
Yoga Nidra is called the yoga of sleep; we bring our body and mind into the most comfortable, restful position while being guided into present moment awareness. This combination allows us to access and clear subconscious patterns and attachments that are stuck and unhelpful. We are then able to plant seeds of intention to align ourselves to our souls highest good. We tap into realms of consciousness and travel to different times and spaces. We can heal lifetimes of trauma, create pathways towards peace and bliss and live a life beyond our wildest dreams.

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